Privacy Policy

  • Hook0 started life as a way to open-source the internal webhook management services from François-Guillaume Ribreau and David Sferruzza successive SaaS and stop writing again and again somewhat the same code.
  • We do not share user data with third parties under any circumstances.
  • All revenue comes from paid subscriptions, removing the need for any type of tracking.
  • Hook0 does not store your payment information. Payment is handled through Stripe, but if you are uncomfortable using those services, alternative arrangements are available.
  • Hook0 earns all of its revenue through user subscriptions, and has no business relationship with large surveillance-based platforms like Facebook, Amazon or Google.
  • We use a self-hosted instance of Matomo to track visits on this website. It is configured to be GDPR compliant and does not track any personal data.

    You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here. Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.

  • If there is a privacy breach, we promise to disclose it as soon as possible on the Twitter account.
  • If you choose to delete your account, all your data will be removed after a 30-day waiting period.
  • If you spot a privacy leak, please report it to [email protected].